LED fixtures for lighting of streets, roads and highways

  • «DART» series street light delivers from 3000 to 20000 Lm<br />Email: order@profiled.ru
  • <a href='http://i-light.ru/en/catalog/avenue-lighting/triumf-k/'  target='_blank'>«TRIUMPH K» series LED fixtures</a><br /><a href='http://i-light.ru/en/catalog/street-lighting/led-line-k/'  target='_blank'>«LED LINE K» series LED fixtures</a><br />Email: info@i-light.ru
  • Patented lighting with low wind load and high uniformity of illumination<br />Email: gm@gelislight.ru
  • <a href='http://www.evraz-svet.ru/#produkciya'  target='_blank'>Lineup of LED lights</a><br />Email: info@evrazsvet.ru
  • <a href='http://www.niipp.ru/catalog/detail.php?ID=275'  target='_blank'>«SLED STREET-9» street LED fixture</a><br />Email:  niipp@niipp.ru
  • <a href=' http://varte.org/catalog/ulichnoe_osveshenie'  target='_blank'>«SS-UM» series street LED fixtures</a><br />Email: varte@inbox.ru
  • «SKU» series street LED fixtures<br />Email: dnii-volna@yandex.ru <br /><a href='http://www.dniivolna.ru'   target='_blank'>www.dniivolna.ru</a>

Street LED fixtures equipped with KTL LEDs

Above is the list of the KTL's partners which use LED KP2WH-080-2-STREET in their street fixtures. In addition to street application, LEDs KP2WH-080-2-STREET also are used in fixtures for storage premises, tunnels and railways lighting thanks to several unique properties. All fixtures from our catalogue are developed, tested and launched into mass production. High quality of products and their compliance with the existing standards and norms are confirmed. Use a wide range of innovative technologies, modern materials and advanced design solutions allows to recommend these lighting devices as the most advanced products in the market.